No More Achy Shoulders

The shoulder is probably the most interesting joint in the body (at least to me). Partly because it sits on the fence between mobility and stability, but also because it is functionally several joints living in a co-dependent relationship.

The 'ball & socket' joint gets all the press but it wouldn't be anywhere without the support of the scapula ('shoulder blade'), the clavicle ('collarbone') or the ribs ('ribs'). This does however create a complex arrangement that can be prone to pain – especially with our current lifestyles of technology-addled, sedentary desk-work.

Now one might ask why, if a joint is so adaptable, can't it adapt to sitting at a desk for 9hrs a day? And the answer is that it probably could. If that is all that we did. But we don't – we have to shift furniture, pull stubborn pets, carry shopping bags, hang up washing, brush our hair, etc.

Which puts a lot of general stress on the shoulder – this makes holding your arm in the same position clicking a mouse for hours a day a bridge too far sometimes. What this means is that we need a strategy to keep the shoulder happy.

And this can best be achieved using the following tips:
  • Get your desk setup right. Get a decent chair with adjustable back and arm rests – AND USE THEM. If you're not leaning against the backrest then your muscles have to do the work. Same goes for the arm rests. This can lead to tired, irritated muscles. Not good.
  • When you're sitting, your elbows should be resting on either the armrest or the desk with your shoulder in a natural position i.e. less hunching like you live in a bell-tower, and your elbow should be close-ish to your body i.e. your arm shouldn't have to reach so far forward all day (for more info click here.)
  • Stay mobile throughout the day. Your body doesn't like ANY position for too long (e.g. even my couch gets uncomfortable eventually… alas), so try to change positions – even slightly – as often as you can. Also take frequent breaks – these breaks don't have to be long affairs involving passports and exploration, just a minute or two of circling your arms and some light stretching can be all that's necessary (for more info click here.)
  • Hang from a bar for 30 seconds a day. Before you say "I can't possibly finish a beer in that time!" let me say that it's not that kind of bar. What I mean is that we evolved when climbing trees was still a necessary skill so the shoulder is good at reaching overhead. Unfortunately modern life doesn't require as much Tarzan-esque escapades as it should (much to my chagrin) and our shoulders suffer for it. So once a day (or more) just grab hold of a bar or other sturdy overhead structure (e.g. doorframe) and hang as much of your weight as you can for a good stretch. Easy peasy.
Still having problems? Time to see the chiropractor.

Dr Murray McDonald

The Chiropractic Health Centre
Twitter/IG: @DrMurrayMcD