April In The Garden

Even with under 50L per person per day, it's still possible to grow our own food – just in smaller quantities and we need to take better care of what we're planting and when. Going against natural cycles and seasons uses more resources on all fronts, including water.

Water from the sink or from washing hands is perfect for watering your plants, as long as you're not using harsh chemicals. 

Tip: For those of you who aren't doing this already, a 2L ice cream tub in the bathroom sink saves so much water! Just have a bucket near by to empty it into each time.

Here's the plant list of what you can grow this April:

Broad beans, Beetroot, Brocoli, Cabbage, Calendula, Carrot, Chard/Spinach, Celery, Chinese Cabbage, Chives, Chilli, Kale, Kohlrabi, Garlic, Globe Artichoke, Leek, Leaf Mustard, Lettuce, Onion, Parsnip, Parsley, Peas, Potato, Radish and Turnip.